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March 09, 2020 Draft Minutes
Friday 10 April 2020, 08:00am
To Monday 13 April 2020

 Village of Lennon

Regular Meeting Minutes - Draft

March 9, 2020



Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order by President Barbara BakerOmerod at 6:30 P.M.  at the Lennon Village Hall, 11904 Lennon Rd., Lennon, MI. 


Roll Call: Present were: Councilman David Mayers; Councilman Sterling Barnhart; Councilman Byron Vowell; Councilman Keith St. Clair; Councilman Bill Sprague; Councilwoman Judy Meadows; .Clerk Gerry Terry; President Barbara BakerOmerod; Treasurer Larry Widigan.


Minutes of the Last Regular Meeting: The minutes of the February 10, 2020 regular meeting were presented.   A motion was made by D. Mayers and seconded by B. Vowell to accept the minutes as presented.    All in favor.  Motion carries.    


Agenda:  A motion was made by D. Mayers and seconded by S. Barnhart to approve the amended agenda.  


Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer’s report was presented for review. 

Motion was made by D. Mayers and seconded by K. St. Clair to accept the Treasurer’s report as presented.

All in favor.  Motion Carries.


Approval to pay the bills:

The list of bills was presented for review by Treasurer.  A Resolution was made to pay the bills as presented by D. Mayers and seconded by K. St. Clair


Roll Call:

Yays:  S. Barnhart, K. St. Clair, B. Sprague, B. Vowell, D. Mayers, J. Meadows

Nays:  None

Absent: None


Public Participation 1:  None




Police Commission report: 

  1. St. Clair reported on the Police Commission. There was no meeting for March. The Village Hall Security policy was discussed.


Resolution 2020-0309-01 was made by K. St. Clair and seconded by S. Barnhart to ask the Village Attorney to draft a security camera policy.


Discussion:  The entrances would be monitored.  No computer screens would be visible by the camera.  

The CDL has approved the proposed policy as written.  The cameras would store for eight days.   Resolution could be increased by lowering the storage days to five.   Chief Brancheau suggested we have a camera outside the building in light of the vandalism last year.  Attorney Tucker said we could get software that would block out voice and faces of children.  J. Meadows questioned if the camera would record voice.  If so, why? 




Police Commission report (continued): 


Yays:  S. Barnhart, K. St. Clair, B. Sprague, B. Vowell, D. Mayers,

Nays:  J. Meadows

Absent: None


Treasurer Widigan was asked to research cameras and cost and report to Council in April. 


  1. Meadows said she had three resident complaints to discuss regarding the Police Dept.

1)  When the officers take off to pursue a vehicle why do they have to take off so fast. 


      Chief Brancheau will discuss this with his officers. 


2) When residents call the Police Dept they never get a call back. 


       Residents are encouraged to call 989-743-9111 for non – emergency issues.  That way if an officer is                             on duty he can be dispatched immediately.  If not on duty, when he comes in. 


3)  When officers have a vehicle stopped, why do they have to have their vehicle so far out into the road.  Residents have had to wait to pull around. 

Whether the officer pulls in front or back of the car is an officers choice and a training preference.  


Building Inspectors Report:  Ted Henry did two walk-throughs on vacant buildings.  The former Baker Insurance Building and the building across from the Police/DPW building. 


DPW/Building and Grounds report:

  1. Wenzlick received bids for the crack seal material and machine for 2020 at a cost of $2,790.00.


Resolution 2020-0309-02 made by D. Mayers and seconded by S. Barnhart to reserve the crack seal machine and material with a cost of $2,790.00 with funds coming from Local and Major Streets.  


Roll Call:

Yays:  S. Barnhart, K. St. Clair, B. Sprague, B. Vowell, D. Mayers, J. Meadows

Nays:  None

Absent: None


Resolution 2020-0309-03 was made by S. Barnhart and seconded by B. Vowell to rent the hot patch machine for the year for $350.00.


Roll Call:

Yays:  S. Barnhart, K. St. Clair, B. Sprague, B. Vowell, D. Mayers, J. Meadows

Nays:  None

Absent: None


  1. Wenzlick discussed the MDOT Category B 50/50 grants. He will check into this for the village. Motion was made by D. Mayers and seconded by S. Barnhart to have D. Wenzlick apply for the Category B 50/50 match grant.  All in favor.   Motion carries.  



DPW/Building and Grounds report (continued):

  1. Meadows expressed concern regarding gravel being rolled into her yard by the snowplow. She would like this to stop. D. Mayers commented this would be cleaned up in the spring.  S. Barnhart suggested markers. 


WWS Report:  The Blue Cross dispute has been settled with the County.  B. BakerOmerod discussed the report on maintenance.  The minutes will be sent when available. 


DDA Report

No Meeting. 


Planning Commission  

  1. Terry reported on the SEDP meeting he and L. Farley-Ray attended. MDOT grants for street work was discussed. He and L. Farley-Ray have been working with T. Henry reviewing the Village fee schedule.  J. Meadows asked why this was necessary?  Our fees should be reviewed annually. 



Clerk Terry discussed the permit for a sign for the new antique shop in the former Baker Insurance Building.  The owners want to have a hanging sign similar to one that was there previously.   The Village doesn’t have an approved sign ordinance currently.  


Motion was made by S. Barnhart and seconded by B. Vowell to have the Planning Commission work on a sign ordinance.  All in favor.  Motion carries. 


Unfinished Business:  None



New Business: 

FOIA Policy:  President BakerOmerod discussed FOIA and the Village’s current policy.   The FOIA policy needs to be updated.  Requirements have changed since FOIA was updated.   All FOIA denial responses must include reason for denial and appeal rights.    The penalty for not complying has increased to $1,000.   Attorney Tucker recommended putting FOIA policy and required forms on the Village website. 


Resolution 2020-0309-04 made by S. Barnhart and seconded by D. Mayers to have Attorney Tucker up the Village of Lennon’s FOIA policy. 


Roll Call:

Yays:  S. Barnhart, K. St. Clair, B. Sprague, B. Vowell, D. Mayers, J. Meadows

Nays:  None

Absent: None






Public Participation #2: None


Board Comments/Village:

  1. Meadows asked if there was anything new on the Land Bank and former window factory property. L. Widigan said this property was low on the Land Bank’s list as funds are limited.


A motion was made by S. Barnhart and seconded by K. St. Clair to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 p.m. 

All in favor. Motion carries. 




Minutes submitted by Clerk – Gerry Terry