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Weed Control Ordinance #51
Saturday 17 July 2021






An Ordinance To Provide For The Removal, Cutting,

And Destruction Of Noxious And Poisonous Weeds And Plants.

To Provide For The Levy And Collection And Lien

For The Removal Thereof, And To Provide Penalties For Violation


The Village Board of the Village of Lennon, Shiawassee and Genesee County, Michigan Ordains:


Section I - Definitions


Noxious Weeds - shall include, but not be limited  to,  Canada  thistle, dodders, mustard and Indian mustard, wild carrot, bindweed, perennial your thistle, hoary Alyssum ragweed, poison ivy, poison sumac, or other florals, plants or trees growing  wild or uncontrolled in such manner  which in the opinion of the Village Board is regarded as a nuisance.

 Section II

 It  shall be the  duty of every person, firm or corporation who owns or resides or occupies any subdivided land within the Village on which noxious weeds are growing, to destroy same before they reach seed bearing stage and to cut, destroy and remove from said land all noxious and poisonous weeds growing thereon, at least twice each year, once before the first (1"') day of June and once before the thirtieth (30 th ) day of September, to prevent weeds going to seed or otherwise spread or become a detriment to public health.   The Village reserves the right to order more cuts if necessary.

 Section Ill

 Notice shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation within the Village and shall be published in March of each year.

 The Village attorney shall notify, by certified mail, with return receipt requested, the  owner, agent or occupant  of any lands upon which noxious weeds are growing, giving notice of this Ordinance, said notice shall contain a summary of Section 4, Act 359 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1941 as amended (MSA 9.621- 630).

 Such notice shall be substantially in the following form:

 "To   any   owners     of   lands   situated   in  the  Village   of    Lennon, Shiawassee, Genesee County and State of Michigan:


Notice is hereby given that all noxious and poisonous weeds on subdivided land within the Village of Lennon must be cut, destroyed, and removed on or before the 1st day of June (.@fil)_ to prevent such weeds to seed, blossom or spread."

Failure to comply with this notice on or before the above date shall make any party so failing liable for the cost of removing, cutting and destroying of weeds, and shall be levied and collected against the lands in the same manner as other taxes are levied and collected.

Failure of  such notice shall not, however, constitute a defense to  any action to enforce payment of any penalty provided for, or debt created, under the provisions of this Ordinance. In case such owner, agent, or occupant shall fail, refuse or neglect to destroy such noxious weeds, the Village is hereby conferred power to enter upon such lands and cause same to be destroyed. All costs and expenses incurred in such destruction shall be paid by the owner or owners of such lands, and the Village shall have a lien against such lands for said expense, and same may be levied and collected against said lands in the same manner as other taxes are levied and collected.


Section IV


Nothing in this Ordinance shall apply  to weeds in fields devoted to the growing of grain crops.

Section V

 Any person, firm or corporation who violates any  prov1s1on  of  this Ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and may be, upon  conviction, imprisoned for  a period not to exceed ninety (90) days or by a fine not exceeding Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars or by both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the Court.

 Section VI

 This   Ordinance     shall    become    effective   30   days    after    passage    and publication thereof.


Adopted September 13, 1993